
Basics By Meg: Marinara

I’m starting a basics recipe collection! In this collection I’ll be writing recipes for components that can be built up/used in full dishes. The first in this collection is my marinara sauce. A very tasty, but very simple tomato sauce that can be used in pizzas, pasta, sandwiches etc. etc. – anywhere your heart desires! This tomato sauce is rich in tomato-y flavour making it the perfect sauce to complement other flavours without overpowering them. It has a sweet, tanginess from the tomatoes, followed by a nice round, richness from the butter – the perfect balance (not to toot my own horn…).


Makes 700g | 10 mins prep + 30-50 mins cooking


1tbsp oil

1tbsp butter

1 white onion, diced

3 cloves garlic, minced

3 tbsp tomato puree

800g tinned whole tomatoes + their juice

1-2 tsp dried oregano


  1. Heat the oil & butter in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Add the onions & a pinch of salt. Cook until translucent and starting to caramelise (~10mins)
  2. Add the garlic and cook for a minute or 2 until fragrant.
  3. Add the tomato paste and cook until the colour has deepened slightly – around 3-5 mins – stirring often.
  4. Next add the tinned tomatoes and about half a tin full of water. Crush the tomatoes with the back of your spoon.
  5. Simmer this with the lid on for around 30-40 mins until the flavours have intesified.
  6. If using the sauce for pizza or a sandwich (i.e. you want it a little thicker) simmer with the lid off for 5-10 mins to reach the desired consistency.
  7. Add the dried oregano & season with salt and pepper to taste.

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